Joshua Siegel

Josh Siegel

About me

Thank you for visiting my website!
I am an Electrical and Computer Engineering Student at Rutgers University.
Some of my hobbies include Competitive Swimming, Hiking, Sports, and Adventuring! I'm also an Eagle Scout!
I love trying new things and exploring what I like and don't like so I'm open to do pretty much anything!
You can check out some of the stuff I've done below!

Tech Projects

Rock Paper Myo

This is a small robot that my friends and I developed to play Rock Paper Scissors, and win. The player wears an armband that can read muscular signals and, using built in machine learning, the armband can determine certain movements. We then interpret those movements as rock, paper or scissors and command the robot to beat the player!
This was our project for HackRU Fall 2017 and won Best Hardware Hack! Read more about this project here!
Click the picture to see a video demo!


Do you like listening to music in groups but not everyone can agree on a song? Well then CrowdPlay is your solution! We created a system where users can text a number with song suggestions and it controls the flow of music, and keeps a priority queue of songs to play. You can even control the speaker volume with just a simple text, or get information about what song is currently playing. We developed this system for HackRU Spring 2018 using Spotify, Twilio and Bose APIs. We even won Best Twilio Hack! Check out more information here!


Do you ever wonder if some trash is recyclable or not? This happens all the time for me, that's why some friends and I created RUcycle! It is an Android App that uses machine learning classifiers to detect if an item is recyclable or not, and what type it is. All you have to do is open the app, take a picture of the item, and the app will classify it as one of 9 possible categories. If the item is electronic, it displays the closest special recycling center on google maps. We developed this app for HackPrinceton Spring 2018. You can read more about this project here!
Click the picture to see a video demo!

NASA's Orion Space Capsule

I worked on the Guidance, Navigation, Control, and Propulsion flight software for Nasa's next human spacecraft! Orion will bring humans to deep space, including the Moon and Mars. I was an intern on this project at Lockheed Martin during the Summer of 2018 and worked on verifying the fault detection algorithms.
Read more about the project here!


Rock Paper Myo

Mount Bierstadt

This was my first 14er ever! A 14er is a mountain that you climb to above 14,000 ft. The summit of Mt. Bierstadt is 14,060 ft, and I summitted it on July 4, 2018 in Colorado. The climb up took about 6 hours, and the climb down took about 2 hours. The hike may have been hard, but the views were definetly worth it! I also didn't have any warm clothes with me (because it was July) so I climbed in my pajamas.

Rock Paper Myo

Mount Evans

Mount Evans is highest mountain you can drive up in North America. The road is the highest paved road in North America, going up to 14,130 ft. From there you can climb up another 130 ft to 14,265 ft to summit the mountain. Pictured here is my father and I after we drove up the very daunting road to the top. While up there, we passed many mountain goats crossing the road and roaming around!

Rock Paper Myo

Colorado Springs Glider Port

I'd be lying if I said I was any good at flying, but this picture is from the time I went gliding over Colorado Springs. It was pretty awesome being in an unpowered aircraft, just falling from the sky. They even let me fly around for a while! (until I got too sick :)

Rock Paper Myo

Club Swimming

I've been competitively swimming since I was 14. I've swam on 4 different swim teams, including Rutgers Club Swimming, of which I am currently the Secretary. I mainly compete in Butterfly and Freestyle, and we travel to other universities to compete against other schools. Since I am on the executive board for the Rutgers Club Swim Team, I also get to write the practices for the team once a week.